IMPORTANT: Ensure that you enter the correct email address when you place an order, because this is where your license key will be sent. Please check for typo’s before finalising your order.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that you enter the correct email address when you place an order, because this is where your license key will be sent. Please check for typo’s before finalising your order.
OneCast for Mac
Our single-user licenses provide access to the software on one or more personally owned Mac machines. Each user needs just one single-user license, regardless of how many machines the software will be used on. Please note that there is also a limit of how many different Xbox account logins may be used with each license key, so don’t share your license key with others. Licenses found to have been shared will be restricted.
OneCast for iOS and Apple TV
Because OneCast for iOS and Apple TV is made available through the App Store, all sales and licensing are managed on our behalf by Apple. According to Apple’s policies, app purchases may be downloaded on any number of personally owned devices providing that you’re logged into the same Apple ID that made the original purchase. Additionally, app purchases may be shared via Family Sharing.
For OneCast for Mac license keys, our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for orders for OneCast for Mac license keys.
For OneCast for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV, all sales and billing are handled on our behalf by Apple via the App Store. Any refund requests or disputes should be submitted to Apple directly.
Region-Specific Taxes
Our payment processor is required to collect taxes in various regions around the world, at the country-specific rate for those locations.
Purchase Currency
When possible, the price you will be charged will be in your local currency, according to your current location as detected by the store. You can change the currency of the transaction during checkout if you wish.
OneCast for Mac
OneCast for Mac can be fully evaluated prior to purchase and customers are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the free trial. You may also seek any needed technical support from us – we answer support emails rapidly and responsively for current and potential customers alike. If you desire a refund, please contact us within 14 days of your purchase. Please note that after a refund your license will be deactivated and the app will no longer function.
OneCast for iOS and Apple TV
Because OneCast for iOS and Apple TV is made available through the App Store, we have no control over the billing process which is entirely managed on our behalf by Apple. Refund requests should be directed to Apple, who handle such requests on a case by case basis.
Hold up! It looks like you’re not using a device running macOS!
OneCast for Mac is only compatible with macOS, and cannot be used under Windows, Linux, Android or other operating systems.
If you still wish to download the macOS installer for OneCast regardless, please click here.